Highest Rated Comments

BoldDog165 karma

Are you allowed to buy lottery tickets?

Is the lottery just a tax on poor/stupid people?

BoldDog165 karma

To what extent do government farm subsidies effect your decision to grow corn? What percentage of corn grown in the US end up as high fructose corn syrup?

BoldDog47 karma

If you are interested in pursuing legal action against them consider contacting Philip Elberg. He has experience representing other young people who were in abusive programs.


BoldDog31 karma

That's appalling. Those people should be in jail.

BoldDog24 karma

I'd like to get your opinion about long term travel w/ kids internationally. You went when you were 11/12. It seems to me that the middle school years 11 to 13 would be a pretty good time for such a trip w/ family. Much older than that and your cutting into the high school years that are so important for developing identity, building peer relationships, etc. and by 14 or so kids start wanting to be with friends instead of parents.

Of course being an older teen and going with friends would be cool too, but for a family trip it seems those middle school years would be best.

What do you think are the best ages for such a trip?