Highest Rated Comments

BoomBoomYeah274 karma

I guess I'm on time. Thanks for doing this. I think it's pretty awesome that you're a redditor. I could ask a lot of questions but I will stick to a few for now.

I understand you never attended college (and don't seem to think highly of it) and worked for NASA. Can you talk about how you wound up working for a NASA contractor without any "credentials"? (Did you find them or did they find you? Had you done some engineering previously that made them aware of you etc?)

Also, you worked for Apple in the early days. Do you think consumer gadgets like the iPhone and iPad are good, bad, or irrelevant to the way we interact with technology?

Silly question: do you do a lot of cooking or baking at your sweet cabin? If so, anything you make exceptionally well?


BoomBoomYeah14 karma

I read that a NASA subcontrator wanted someone to design high-efficiency power supplies for the Space Shuttle. So I wrote up a decent design and showed up.

That's really brilliant and pretty inspiring. Probably no one else there thought to do that. Thanks,

BoomBoomYeah10 karma

Do you think that Sam Raimi mentioning you hurt your chances at getting it? I just can't believe how perfect you would have been for Mary Jane.

Also, I liked you in Mr Holland's Opus. I was the same age as the character you played in that movie and you are the only thing I remember from that movie... megusta.jpg

In the event you actually see this, are there any other acting projects you're working on that we should look out for?

BoomBoomYeah3 karma

Still think The Wire was better overall though.

Any reason?

BoomBoomYeah3 karma

I have watched that episode quite a few times and I never really bought into that explanation. I think it was meant to be open ended. My biggest problem with his argument is that it hinges on the death being POV which is very weird and sort of unprecedented in the show. All the shots where we see people enter the diner are from his perspective but there is never any actual cue that we are seeing the world literally through Tony's eyes.