Highest Rated Comments

Boruzu93 karma

Which are your most favorite Irish whiskies? Which are most readily found at the corner store?

Boruzu4 karma

Here's a question: what part of illegal don't you understand, Natalia?

Oh, I mispelled illegal$.

Boruzu2 karma

Do you have an interest in a second career if you get tired of this one? If so, what is it and at what age might you “retire”?

Boruzu1 karma

Hello, I’d really like more than 5.5 hrs per sleep a night. However, even if I take melatonin, or go to bed early, I only get that much. I’d really like to lengthen that at least an hour.

I often rely on a 1 to 1.5 hr nap after work to recharge and reboot. Any advice?

Boruzu1 karma

Do you like Murakami Haruki novels?