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Botogiebu93 karma

Which is why I love Bernie so much

You should publicly endorse him. Now that Mythbusters is over the best entertainment you can give us is a Trump vs. Bernie race. Please god make it happen.

Botogiebu3 karma

No, I just think you're a hypocrite.

Botogiebu3 karma

How many people do you think will watch tonight's debate? Do you feel the DNC has purposely scheduled the debates for minimum viewership? Also, reminder to everyone that tonights debate is on at pm on ABC, or live streamed on ABC's website, or google it.

Botogiebu3 karma

Actually, you really want teddy bear hamsters. Dwarfs tend to be more irritable than syrian breeds. They're kind of the assholes of the rodent world, right up there with gerbils.

Also, getting a Guinea pig is the worst idea ever in my opinion. All they do is squeel, whistle and poop. They are like giant hamsters except loud, lazy, stinky, unfriendly and not cuddly at all. Basically a distillation of everything negative about hamsters, crammed into one giant ugly rodent pig which requires a giant rodent cage to keep and clean. It's all the work of keeping a rabbit, but all you get is a furry lump instead. I've heard they taste OK in a pinch though.

Botogiebu3 karma

Damn, you really know your crabs. Is PetSmart pay commensurate at all with the knowledge you need to have on all these random animals? Do those skills transfer elsewhere?