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BoundToHatpin116 karma

Aziz, I'm trying to convince a coworker to try online dating, but he's wary that the city we live in (midwestern college town) is "too small" for online dating. What's the best counterargument for this?

BoundToHatpin38 karma

Oh, there are tons of coeds so volume-wise he'd be fine, he's just terrified of women who see him on the site running into him all around town.

Regardless, I think he's setting up a profile tonight. He's got nothing to lose!

BoundToHatpin13 karma


I read an interview where you said you're obsessed with middling talent. What is it about people like Julianne Hough that fascinates you so much?

Also, I really hope Lorraine and Bruce are doing well. If they get married, you should officiate.

BoundToHatpin6 karma

What's it like coming into the league with another rookie at the same position (Dwayne Allen)? You guys seem to have different styles and compliment each other well, but it's got to be an interesting dynamic.

And seriously, thanks for being such a great Colt!

BoundToHatpin6 karma

If you weren't covering the NFL, what sport would you want to focus your column around?