Highest Rated Comments

BraveBitch110 karma

First off, I have to say that I've been a HUGE fan since I saw Mallrats when I rented it back in '96, when I was 11 years old. Thank you so much for the years of entertainment you have provided us all!

I think what everyone wants to know is, what's the status on Clerks III? Have you finished the script? Are Jeff Anderson and Mos on board yet? If so, have you decided on how you're going to fund it? As you can tell, I'm VERY excited about this flick and although I'm sad to hear that you won't be writing/directing anymore films, I'm glad Clerks III will be your last.

Also, another small question that I don't think I've heard anyone ask you before? Can you remember the first time that someone randomly requested an autograph from you? Did you think it was weird?

Thank you so much for doing so many AMAs here. I've missed every single one of them, and I hope that you'll be gracious enough to answer a question from someone who considers himself your biggest fan!

BraveBitch49 karma

Fuck yes, man. Thank you SO much for the detailed answer! I love you, in a totally heterosexual way.

Of course, I'll be buying tickets to Jay and Silent Bob's Super Groovy Cartoon movie! I live 2 hours away from Atlanta, which is where it's premiering, if I remember correctly.