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BraveSaintStuart47 karma

...until one day, they receive a call from some alphabet soup defense department head, where they're given a trigger word. Then, they must kill their owners, and the Prime Minister of Malaysia.

BraveSaintStuart36 karma

Our kids are becoming starved for our attention. They want people to care for them. I'm a youth pastor. 100% of my kids are from broken homes. Most of them have no contact with at least one of their biological parents. I'll give them a hug whenever I damn well please.

BraveSaintStuart36 karma

If I wanted to visit North Korea (ya know... for the unicorns) from America, what would I have to do?

BraveSaintStuart6 karma

I feel like I'm just going to be coming along behind every one of your responses and saying "YES!". When I say that I'm intellectually content with my Christianity, I'm not necessarily saying that I can empirically prove God. But at this point, I've put in the study time to be able to be content in a particular understanding of God and can reconcile it intellectually with what I find within the spectrum of Biblical interpretation.

BraveSaintStuart6 karma

I'm a "contemporary" worship leader. I also do NOT think that it is the key to getting young folks into the church. I think that A) young folks are busy as hell and don't necessarily want another thing to waste their time and B) If we don't want to waste their time, we better be a church who is doing stuff that matters. This, of course, means that we love them as though they are our own family, that we are actively engaged in service of the left out and left behind, and that we're actively engaged in honesty and integrity, and growing in our faith with honesty and integrity.