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BrianBoyko1363 karma

You heard it here first: JGL wishes he was better at anthropomorphising the Holocaust.

BrianBoyko442 karma

Well the key claim of the product is simply that it makes it easier for you to be more open about everything...

BrianBoyko186 karma

As a New Zealander, what are your opinions on the MMP system. Were you pleased/dissapointed/indifferent when you heard about the election result to retain the system?

BrianBoyko124 karma

Howdy, Joseph. I'm Brian Boyko - you don't know me, but I worked with Prof. Lawrence Lessig on the Mayday PAC.

First, I wanted to thank you for your wonderful video for Mayday PAC, it really helped us reach our crowdfunding goal!

But second, I wanted to ask you for a hail-mary favor. I'm currently working with the New Hampshire Rebellion, another of Lessig's anti-corruption projects, dedicated to making corruption the #1 issue of the 2016 New Hampshire Presidential Primary.

We're currently thinking of putting on a symposium - hopefully with the official blessing of TEDx - in Concord, New Hampshire, on January 21st. It would be the capstone event of a two-week long march across the state of New Hampshire.

I know this is incredibly short notice and (for good reason) A-list Hollywood celebrities are hard to reach. But I was hoping that we might get in contact and that you might be free on the 21st of January and be willing to talk either about anti-corruption efforts or about HitRecord and Creative Commons. If you can make it - or even if you can't and just wanted to brainstorm some other ideas or have good wishes, you can contact me at brian@mayday.us, and my friend Jeff McLean (director of NHR) at jeff@nhrebellion.org.

Oh, also, in that video, what was the source cartoon you used at 1:13, which had the person put money in the Capitol building and Uncle Sam come out?