Brian Colin

is an American video-game designer, artist and animator. Among his best-known works are the coin-operated arcade games Rampage, Arch Rivals and Rampage: World Tour as well as General Chaos for the Sega Genesis game console.

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BrianFColin32 karma

I was an Employee of Bally Midway when I conceived RAMPAGE and as such, don't have the rights. It's out of my hands unless WB taps me on the shoulder... (hint)

BrianFColin31 karma

Kind of embarrassing, but when you spend all day every day making games, you tend to shy away from doing it in your spare time. I love watching my kids play UNCHARTED and DEAD SPACE 2 from a reclining position on a nearby couch, however.

BrianFColin30 karma

You're very welcome!

BrianFColin24 karma

It's great, as far as it goes... Unfortunately, Arcade Games were often designed to NOT use controls that were easily duplicated by home systems, so games like DISCS OF TRON or ZWACKERY which used a spinning, spring-loaded knob and an 8-way Gorf Handle with a Trigger and Thumb button, have no hope of being played or evaluated properly.

BrianFColin20 karma

I'd like to say George, because it was my photograph as a human, but since the human photograph for Lizzie was Rae, my wife, I think I better say that.

BrianFColin14 karma

Depends on how you mean it... I'm proudest of RAMPAGE, I love playing PIGSKIN head-to-head as an Arcade game here in the office, but for group fun... gotta be ARCTIC STUD POKER RUN as a Cash based LAN contest.

BrianFColin14 karma

The definitive answer here is ZWACKERY, a fun sword and sorcery exploration game that tested very well. But at the last minute, the management decided to try to justify the cost of a new, very expensive, hardware they were developing by having ZWACKERY use it; even though it was not developed for its capabilities. The high cost of the final game earned it the distinction of being the lowest selling game in history, only about 175 Cabinets were sold. Bummer.

BrianFColin14 karma

Yes and Yes! My cartoon style is my cartoon style, and I can't help what that looks like. But, I took great pride in the fact that I was able to deliver a great deal of expression in my characters faces despite my extreme limitations of 16 available colors.

BrianFColin13 karma

Most of our fun stuff happens outside the office on a sunny day, "you can do that when you work at a game company". But the best was when we were at paramount studios one time, sneaking around the back lot while working on STAR TREK VOYAGER when we were accosted by a cigar-chomping Levar Burton, who demanded to know what we were doing on his closed set. I was speechless and terrified, but the animator with me was a huge trekkie and immediately started spouting his favorite STV episodes... all of which were directed by, you guessed it, Lavar Burton. Problem solved.

BrianFColin12 karma

My time with my family is spent mostly in the real world, camping, swimming, hiking laying around the back yard. We had an arcade in the basement, but I kicked the kids outside as often as possible. Actually, one of the single biggest Game Titles that we all played "as a Family" was HALF LIFE, oddly enough.