Highest Rated Comments

BriantologistBaxter3 karma

Your dedication to film, comedy, and the arts is so inspiring! Thanks for keeping the torch, through out everything that happens in life! Also when can we expect the next daily? (Feel free to plead the fifth)

BriantologistBaxter2 karma

Spotted Dick for Dylan!

BriantologistBaxter2 karma

How does FND view YouTube and social media? You guys obviously have income other than YouTube and what we see on social media (great new office, btw- is that a bar??!) but we, as fans, never really hear of it unless you post content to your website. I know that you guys are active in the Chicago Art scene, but you don't post much online about your involvement. Could that change now that your first Feature Film is on the market?

BriantologistBaxter2 karma

Ah ha!

BriantologistBaxter2 karma

Really? Well, We expect great things coming from Vin's Ass in the future...