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BuccaneerRex64 karma

Did you ever have to plug a mug with your roscoe to get a little lip service from a moll?

BuccaneerRex3 karma

This is the first Kickstarter I've been interested in for months.

Thunt, I've been a fan of Goblins since Fumbles was declaring his dodge.

Do you plan on having the cartoon follow the comic closely, or are you planning out new/different arcs? What happened with Minmax and Kin was heartbreaking. Your blend of humor and pathos is awesome, so I'd love to see that same spirit show up in the show.

That's an amazing cast you've assembled, some of the most beloved characters in the history of TV came out of those voiceboxes. What was the casting process like?

BuccaneerRex2 karma

If you had $1000 to spend on a car, how would you go about getting the best deal? Looks aren't important, as long as it gets 1 person around town reliably.

BuccaneerRex1 karma

I spent 15 years in call centers, moving up from entry level, to where the OP is now, to team lead, to trainer, to training & quality manager. It's not a job for everyone, but it can be a good job for those who can handle it.

I guess my question is what are your KPIs? What's your AHT requirement? Adherence? Are you allowed ACW/AUX time? Are you straight inbound or do you outbound? CS only or is it tech as well?

BuccaneerRex1 karma

I ask this in all seriousness, as someone who hasn't really ever been worried much about privacy:

Why should I care about what kind of data you can gather about me? It's rarely anything you'd not learn about me in 5-10 minutes of social conversation.

I sanitize my inputs, in that I almost never say anything online that I'd be embarrassed about making public. I don't do a lot of sharing of data. I don't do anything I'd be ashamed of or that is illegal. Even my private-yet-digital communication is generally limited to niceties and shopping lists.

So what is the damage to me, if you know things about me that I'd cheerfully tell you if you asked me straight out?

Is privacy such an illusion? Should we be able to expect any sort of public privacy ever again?