Highest Rated Comments

Buck-Nasty23 karma

I can guarantee you that the Congolese government has a much higher opinion of China's dealings than it does of Canada's.

In 2010 Canada tried to blackmail the Congolese by blocking debt relief unless the DRC gave First Quantum rights to mine. "It is utterly outrageous that Canada is holding up poverty relief to one of the poorest countries in the world in order to protect its own corporate interests."

Canada's actions against the Congo are some of the most reprehensible of any nation. Canadian companies have also been connected to massacres during the civil war.


Buck-Nasty21 karma

It's fake, his level of English is not from someone who only started learning at 30.

Buck-Nasty9 karma

Do you think Andrew Ng and others who argue that there might be a single algorithm to explain human cognition are correct?

Buck-Nasty5 karma

Buck-Nasty2 karma

Max Fisher is a war monger, he's no fan of Chomsky.