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Burt_Macdangler2 karma

thank you so much for the encouragement! I live in the San Diego area now so LA isn't too far for me and in about 6 months my wife is transferring jobs so I will be moving to Seattle... any suggestions of reputable classes or instructors to look into? There seem to be so many online and I just am so wary of not scams necessarily but well.... yeah.... I guess scams.

Burt_Macdangler2 karma

I don't have a question really. But I do love all of you quite a bit. I got into Canadian music through dan mangan and since then I just cannot quit the seemly perfect cacophony of styles that have emerged from the wintery white north. I have loved going to shows over the years for all of my favorite bands as they pop into town here in so cal. I loved how the arkells and said the whale were so surprised they had a following already because I spread their albums around to everyone I knew. I loved getting to just talk and have a beer with these regular people that in my mind were musical geniuses. And yet there is this one band I have yet to see live, this one band that my schedule never lines up for, this one band that I connected so deeply with their music emotionally (tired eyes and yer spring as a few examples). And finally I see a post on Facebook that you will be in LA. I cannot wait to see all of you live playing with the raw passion I hear so deeply through your songs. Thank you for everything you have shared with us your fans over the years.

Also so this doesn't get removed I should ask a question. What would you say has been the hardest song/album for you to write/record for any reason?

Burt_Macdangler1 karma

What would you say to some one who grew up wanting to do voice overs and acting as a career, spent countless hours in the barroom in front of a mirror practice characters rather than making friends who feels they missed their chance? I had plans to go to college and start make connections, get trained and "make it" but due to some family tragedies those dreams were cut short and I found myself just working any job to help make ends meet. Now that the dust has settled, I some times feel as though I have as well. Working dead end jobs with no education, I haven't acted in years (I used to do community plays) and yet there is this passion still inside me. Even now as a grown ass adult when my wife isn't home I find myself in the bathroom in front of the mirror still talking to myself and making weird faces just to see if I can. Is it really just a right place, right time, hope you don't miss your opportunity sort of thing or is there something that I can be doing proactively to fulfill my dreams? I don't have the most time or money these days but I just feel like there has to be something I can do. I just don't know what. Sorry for the sob story. I admire your work very much thanks for doing this AMA and sharing all your characters with us!

Edit- I just realized that almost everyone is using this AMA as a get advice/get your foot in the door sort of thing so ignore my first quest and try this one on for size instead. Have you ever considered how much wearing contact lenses is just like Anal Sex? I feel the majority of people, if you asked them "hey do you want to stick something in your eyeball?" Would answer something akin to ".... No. thanks" but there is always that one guy who is like "Trust me you just got to try it, sure it may be uncomfortable now but you are going to love it. It's all I want now, I'll never wear regular boring glasses ever again" Ideally you should be using a special solution for both.... I don't know I am running out of comparisons this seemed like a better question when I first started writing it.

Burt_Macdangler1 karma

Thank you so much!