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BustAGasCap56 karma

ORS 480.315-320

From the official law it states 1) The dispensing of Class 1 flammable liquids by dispensers properly trained in appropriate safety procedures reduces fire hazards directly associated with the dispensing of Class 1 flammable liquids.

7) Exposure to toxic fumes represents a health hazard to customers dispensing Class 1 flammable liquids.

10a) The significantly higher prices typically charged for full-service fuel dispensing in states where self service is permitted at retail discriminates against customers with lower incomes, who are under greater economic pressure to subject themselves to the inconvenience and hazards of self-service.

11) The increased use of self-service at retail in other states has contributed to diminishing the availability of automotive repair facilities at gasoline stations.

14) Self service dispensing at retail contributes to unemployment, particularly among young people.

17) Small children left unattended when customers leave to make payment at self service stations creates a dangerous situation.

But honestly it's mostly about insurance. Right now all oregon gas stations pay really low insurance because only a few people are allowed to handle and operate equipment.

If all of the sudden we change the law to let millions of people operate equipment they never touched before, insurance costs would skyrocket as there would be so much damage to the pumps, from driving off with the pump in the car to getting gas everywhere. With higher insurance rates the gas stations would have no choice but to raise the price to keep making a profit. So in short we keep it the same way because it would eliminate jobs, raise prices, and piss people off. So we just keep going the same way it's been.

BustAGasCap44 karma

My most memorable experience here was a morning shift I worked with my old drug addict boss. His grandmother had died a few days before and he was a wreck. He got more high that day than any other day I ever worked. Eventually he passed out in the bathroom with the door locked. I had to run the station for 6 hours by myself, pumping gas and running inside to cover the register because i couldnt get a hold of any other employees, i paid a bum 10 bucks to stand inside and make sure nobody stole all our stuff, We have 20 pumps at my station so it was a crazy ass day. That was the day I stopped feeling bad for the guy and just hated him. Eventually the people for the next shift came in and I told them I think he's dead in there he has been in there for 6 hours. We just let him stay in there for another hour or two until his dad came in to take him to drug counseling. I told him your son Overdosed in the bathroom and I haven't seen him for almost 8 hours. Eventually he got him out of the bathroom. My boss said he was feeling really sick. Then the part that made me the maddest was he turned to me and said "are you just going to stand there all day drinking that soda or are you going to get to work?" His dad pulled him out of the store before I murdered him. So that's one of my most dramatic stories. Not in a good way though.

BustAGasCap43 karma

That show is exactly how it is in Portland. When I drive around in Portland I play a game with friends called "hipster or homeless." The only difference is the Mac books.

BustAGasCap34 karma

After you pull up to the pump, roll down your window it might take a minute for the pumper to get to you if he's busy but most times they will be there right away. Let the pumper know how much you would like to get (or you can say fill it up if you are getting a fill) and what grade (regular, plus, premium.) It would go something like this Pumper: "hi, what can I get for you?"

You: "could I get a fill of regular please?"

"No problem did you want to do that cash or card?"


"Okay you're going to be on pump 3, here's a slip for you and you can head on in whenever you like"


"You're very welcome!"

Some stations are different, in that cash can be taken by the pumper and other places cash is inside, same for cards. At my station, cash is inside but I can take in exact cash if I want and I can run all cards at the pump but debit cards are ran as credit. And if you have any questions just let them know its your first time in oregon and they will be glad to help you out. We are there to be helpful, we don't look down on people from out of state at all. In fact I like them better. Makes for more interesting conversation than just the damn weather which I talk about 50 times a day.

BustAGasCap15 karma

I just took it out of the till honestly. When he finally closed out his register for the shift he was about $1000 short in a shift we normally only make $2000 tops. Before he passed out I was still ringing people up and when I opened the register there was $100 bills in the $1 slot and $20 bills in the $5 slot it was a nightmare. I would say over half the days I worked with the guy he was high out of his mind and the other half he was starting to go through withdrawal and was a complete dick to everyone. I actually preferred working with him when he was shitfaced because most of the time he would just pass out and I didn't have to look at his stupid smug face. He also thought none of us knew he was a drug addict or stole. He would literally walk in and take money out of the safe and walk out.