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CT02127917 karma

Hi Floyd, you invited me here (Chris). What are some of the most common misconceptions about Skepticon and what do you guys who attend every year look forward to most about the event?

CT0212797 karma

One more thing: Do you guys get protested by Westboro Baptist or other groups? And if you do how do you handle them, by ignoring them or with counter-protesting?

CT0212792 karma

I really like your movies and some of the stylistic choices you have made, my personal favorite being To Live and Die in L.A. As an aspiring screenwriter, how much of the writers original vision usually ends up making the final cut? Also, how often do "happy accidents" occur when an actor will go off script and ad-lib and it turns out to be better than what was scripted. Thank you for doing this and continue to make great movies!