Highest Rated Comments

CaLLmeRaaandy340 karma

I was a janitor for a while at a factory in a small town when I was younger. The loser temps that couldn't hold down a job would treat me like crap. They'd do things on purpose that made my job harder and annoying for no reason.

I made more money than they did, as well as most of my friends at the time.

CaLLmeRaaandy54 karma

Every single time I get dragged in by my girlfriend, within like 2 minutes I'm outside sitting on a bench. I feel like I'm intruding too. I doubt any female wants an awkward, strange guy standing 2 feet from them while they pick out panties.

CaLLmeRaaandy13 karma

You'd be surprised at how many people I've heard bitch because of being held up an extra 15 seconds on a turn or how one is going up a steep incline at 45 instead of the speed limit. Fucking idiots.

CaLLmeRaaandy3 karma

Oh yeah, their accuracy amazes me. My dad used to drive truck and he always joked he could back a trailer in easier than he could parallel park a small car.