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CactusHugger38 karma

I'm hoping that 6 inches was circumference and not diameter. lol

CactusHugger32 karma

Maybe your girl's into cheesewheel-esque penis. lol If you can make it anyway you want why not satisfy her. ;P

CactusHugger15 karma

Would you take any additional precautions? A back armour thing perhaps? Like this, but with supporting rods, and not just plates.

CactusHugger4 karma

This is kind of off topic, or at least not strictly relating to the SRS, but you mentioned hormone treatments, and I was curious if your sexual preferences changed; I've heard mention of that being a common occurrence with the hormone treatments, but that one's sexual preferences stay "straight" and "gay" but actual attraction varies as one's hormones change and sometimes with surgery.

You mentioned that you are exclusively attracted to women, but do you mean now, or you always have been. Did you experience this, or do you know anything about it?

As well, and this may be odd to answer, but how hard is it to find a partner? I know many in the LGBT community aren't comfortable with the "T" part of LGBT, and it doesn't get the kind of screentime and therefore the presence when compared to gay issues, and therefore people have less time to become comfortable with it. I'd assume that you'd tell someone about it ahead of time, (or you'd end up in some awkward encounters) but are there separate bars or meeting places? (like gay bars) And how would you know who's tran and who's trying to get a tran date? Or is it all online?

Its hard enough for me to find a date as a decently attractive, athletic, well off white guy in a densely populated area who's going to college, so I'm assuming there has to be some kind of special setup for a smaller demographic.

FINALLY, is the sex with your new penis going to be like it would for anyone else? (I saw you said you needed a device to maintain the erection, so excluding that) But is there going to be major loss of sensitivity?

CactusHugger2 karma

I'm late to the party here, and don't see anyone asking, so I'll ask: I see you're using Unity, any chance on getting some Oculus Rift support into this? It seems like the kind of game that would benefit from it.