Highest Rated Comments

Cakelord158 karma

I read an article a few years ago that 80% of tech workers are from 15 universities (if this is not true, than I apologize). How can silicon valley solve it's diversity problem when they bias towards a handful of universities that traditionally aren't all that diverse?

Cakelord107 karma

Funny that a forum dedicated to not masturbating has turned into a circle jerk.

Cakelord50 karma

At the same time, by making TA compensation not reflect the cost of living, the students lose out on quality individuals who cannot afford to take the job and the ones that do are stretched so thin they cannot fully commit themselves to the students.

Cakelord26 karma

How do you feel about your success when so many are in jail for doing what you do? Are you working to correct this injustice?

Cakelord18 karma

How can a person being a victim of human trafficking and a criminal for doing forced acts?

What systems were used to hold these woman under duress?