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Cant_stop-Wont_stop1818 karma

Not just that, but:

A) Tons of fake solar eclipse glasses, and

B) Greedy pricks bought up all the real ones and are scalping people for $100 / set.

Cant_stop-Wont_stop59 karma

Hey Chief, I'm a fighter aircraft maintainer. Thanks for making maintenance respected and badass. Every show with aircraft and fighter pilots always glamorizes them and completely glosses over the hard work that gets put in to make those pieces of shit fly.

What was Edward James Olmos like off-camera? He always had such a fatherhood role in the show and he so easily dominated that role and completely oozes charisma, sitting down for a glass of whisky and a cigar with him sounds like exactly how he spends his time.

Cant_stop-Wont_stop2 karma

Am I correct in reading the article that says the actual procedures, as detailed by TECO, says to shut down the boiler and cover the manhole before doing work in the slag pit?

So who violated the procedure here?

Even Tampa Electric’s safety manual seems to prohibit working on slag tanks while the boiler is running. It requires the slag tank hole to be covered “before work is performed in the slag tank.” Several former employees told the Times that can’t be done unless the boiler is off. Otherwise, the cover would melt. Gillette said the company is investigating whether the policy was broken.

Wouldn't blame be more appropriately levied against the workers who failed to install the cover?

Cant_stop-Wont_stop2 karma

One of the guys was being paid $12 / hour. My local McDonalds pays nearly that much.

Cant_stop-Wont_stop-3 karma

Hidden in that massive article is this:

Even Tampa Electric’s safety manual seems to prohibit working on slag tanks while the boiler is running. It requires the slag tank hole to be covered “before work is performed in the slag tank.” Several former employees told the Times that can’t be done unless the boiler is off. Otherwise, the cover would melt. Gillette said the company is investigating whether the policy was broken.

So... the employees themselves violated the safety procedure, while the article seems to make you want to believe that Mr. Burns was up there telling people to mop up molten slag with orphans.

A single statement saying that the procedure guidelines say to cover the manhole seems pretty fucking important to the story, you shouldn't have to dig through the entire damn thing to find it briefly mentioned in one paragraph in passing.