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Cappuccino_C63 karma

The most satisfying way to deal with a shitty customer probably has to go with the fake customer service smile. If a customers words seem like they aren’t getting through to you, then they will get upset or even taken back that you are “that nice”, especially if they are the type of customers who like to stomp all over employees and put them down. Usually they will just forgot what they were complaining about or will leave off with less of an ego they had earlier, which is always nice.

Cappuccino_C40 karma

Personally I haven’t seen someone shoplift, but I heard of a story that happened a couple of weeks ago. There apparently was a homeless lady who was just taking items and dropping them off outside for her to take home (edit) wherever she lives later. A couple of clerks notice and inform the store manager. The store manager tells two guys to stand around the entrance to watch her. They see her and grab her, the next part I’m about to say might have been said as a joke. People say she pissed the floor in surprise and slipped out of their grasp. She escaped ( I honestly have no clue how ), and we lost a fair amount of money from that.

Edit: homeless ladies can’t bring food home...

Cappuccino_C27 karma

I have two great stories for this

Story #1

One time I was ringing up a couple and the man forgot his coupons in his car. He goes to grab the coupons while I finish ringing up the order, except, he takes a long time. His wife tells me it’s ok to finish the order and money exchanges hands. Right when I’m giving her her change, the man walks up and says here you go, handing me the coupons. I told him that the transaction was complete, and I can’t ring up the coupons, but I informed them that they can head to the customer service desk to cash the coupons in. He did not have this. He asked me why the fuck I would finish the order if he told me not to, while his wife is frantically trying to calm him down. He starts leaning in on the counter to get close to me while I try to back away (he probably had a foot and +100 pounds on me), but luckily, the manager (who is equally as big) asks what the hell is going on, I explain what happened and he takes them over to cash in his 2, 1$ coupons. The wife did come back though and apologized for everything, she was very sweet.

TL;DR Customer freaks out over me not scanning his coupon after wife said it was fine

Story #2

I was bagging for a cashier who just started out and I was making sure that they were doing everything right. At this time though, I was authorized to leave the register to help people out, especially the cashier. One lady came in with a voucher for the Salvation Army and I haven’t seen one of those before. So I left my cashier alone with customer while I went to the customer service desk to ask what is should do. What I didn’t mention though, was that the customer had a dog. Dogs, as in most stores are not allowed, but we can’t kick then out because if they are service animals without tags, we get sued, hard. So I start heading back and hear shouting, that’s not good. I find out that the lady behind our customer began complaining about the the dog, but dog lady does not take it. They flip out, screaming fuck you to each other and how unsanitary it is to have a dog in a store and how it’s none of someones business to butt into something like that. I put on my customer service smile and try to get her out of the store as fast as possible, while my manager is trying to stop them from arguing with each other. I finish her order and she says “thank you for being so kind and fast with my order, I don’t know how you deal with bitches like her”, and she left. Meanwhile the lady complaining about talks to my manager about why we didn’t do anything about the dog, and he just said “legal reasons”. That was an interesting day. Looking back on it though, it was hilarious.

TL;DR leave lady with a dog for a minute, find out she and another lady are having a screaming match about animals in stores

Edit: (added tl;dr)

Cappuccino_C20 karma

I work weekends for the last (almost) 2 years. It’s more common during the week than the weekend (which I don’t understand since it’s super busy during the weekends). There are also cases where something happens in the afternoon when I work in the morning and vice versa. I’m just “unlucky” when it comes to witnessing this

Cappuccino_C20 karma

Damn, I need to memorize that, holy crap that’s good