Highest Rated Comments

Carichey11 karma

Yep. Check the post history. He's just farming downvotes for some reason.

Carichey11 karma

Every CNA and LPN I've ever gotten a patient history from in an SNF says "She's altered, but this isn't my normal patient. I don't work on this floor. I just started working here 3 days ago. She was fine this morning, but I don't know what her baseline is. What's a DNR?"

I guess my question is... Where is the person who actually knows anything about the patient?

I'm kidding. You guys do important work that in undervalued in society. The patience required to do what you do is incalculable. Many of you are angels... Just train your co-workers to be the best they can be at their profession. The classic excuses don't hold much water.

Carichey7 karma

When I am 10 minutes away from the end of my shift, and 3 other trucks just came on - Why do I get the fucking non-emergent transfer for SNF > dialysis?

Edit: I'm only kidding. I would never want to upset the EMS god. (but seriously though... WTFtransfer)

Carichey2 karma

Some say Ice Cubes new album has had limited success because of his softened image due to many children's movie appearances. Others say its because he lacks depth as a musical artist, and had gotten too far away from his NWA origins.

Personally I feel his new album was great, and it was the perfect balance of controversy, lyrics, and antiestablishmentarianism that he is well known for.

Do you all have an opinion?

Carichey2 karma

Well I hope that one day if my parents of I require your services that a facility like yours has openings. Keep up the good work!