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ChainsawSam23 karma

Like in Seven Samurai? What was that supposed to accomplish?

ChainsawSam9 karma

That is a failure of particular unions, not all unions.

A lot of unions actively police their own and are much better off for it. If they are a strong work force then they have more bargaining power.

ChainsawSam3 karma

Because he spent the prime years of his life ping-ponging back and forth to a warzone.

Nobody really knows how a relationship will handle all of that until it happens. So on top of every other typical relationship strain you add in these periodic years of "time out." Very efficiently destroys otherwise successful relationships. Marriages destroyed left and right and lesser relationships tend to end before the deployment even gets into full swing.

After the deployment things get worse. Whole year is spent with both ends putting each other on a pedestal and fondly remembering how things were a year ago. Things obviously aren't that way anymore; humans continuously grow and develop. So if a couple spends a whole year growing and developing apart there comes a bit of a culture clash when they reunite.

Deployments are meatgrinders for relationships. A majority of my first unit's relationships went to shit during or immediately after the deployment. Now it is about a decade later and I am one of a very small minority of people who is still with their significant other from 2004.

ChainsawSam2 karma

I respect your political opinions on all these matters.

However, as a man who is just about 30 years old, I'm sure you'll understand when I say:

"You're the Rick Ungar who was EP of that awesome 90's X-MEN and you decided to lead off an AMA with your Forbes stuff?"

I don't want to piss on your parade, but what are the odds we might be able to get a separate AMA from that angle later if there is a demand for it?

ChainsawSam1 karma

How do you feel about how this Socialized Healthcare bill worked out?

I know the US Healthcare system was in a pretty lousy state (for a number of reasons) and that American politicians have been talking about Healthcare reform for an awful long time. I'm personally glad something was done, however I'm really not thrilled about the end product.

How do you feel about this corporate Health Insurance mandate as opposed to a single payer system?

If a state has considered allowing non-profit health insurers, would this be something to jump on as a constituent? Is it time to start writing state lawmakers?