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Chapsticklover232 karma

Actually, it kind of makes total sense for all of that to be true. Vaginismus is usually caused by psychological issues (generally caused by some sort of trauma or prior pain in that area) so someone with vaginismus and OCD has probably had some shit in their past that caused whatever issues she has now. I actually have generalized anxiety with OCD-esque tendencies, and I'm fairly convinced that I actually have very, very mild vaginismus- penetration almost always hurts (sometimes very badly) for the first minute or so, and I've actually caused pain to men before because I'm so tight. Luckily, the pain goes away fairly quickly and using lube generally makes it almost painless.

I think the connection for me between the OCD and the vaginismus is probably that I think vaginas are kind of gross-- I don't like touching mine, I think it's kind of slimy, like a swamp. I tend to associate that area with being gross, so when I was a kid, it was a no-no area, which took me a long time to get over when I became sexually active. Luckily I mostly have-- I still don't want to finger myself, but dear god I love getting banged.

I wouldn't be surprised if the gag reflex thing is related to the OCD as well-- luckily for me, I think cocks are really hot and I want them all up in my mouth until the very end. I think that's because cock skin itself isn't slimy like vagina skin is-- the only slimy gross part is the end, which I just usually spit out.

So, uhh tl;dr: its liek 2tolly possible yo

Chapsticklover28 karma

Heck, I'm a white Catholic and I'm pretty sure my family would shit a brick if I brought home a Black Muslim boyfriend. God, I wish I wasn't already dating someone, I would bring home a black lesbian muslim....or a jew lesbian muslim...god they would flip so hard.

Chapsticklover19 karma

It definitely is. The majority of plastic in the ocean is from nets, not straws. But it's much easier for the company to say, it's you and your straw that's the problem, not our fishing practices.

Chapsticklover19 karma

I was hoping you'd see this post! :D

Chapsticklover7 karma

Interesting, why is that? I would think you'd want the sunflowers protected.