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CharlieKillsRats973 karma

As you are a professor I find it disturbing and/or hilarious your title of this AMA contained Nutt and sacked next to each other.

CharlieKillsRats28 karma

I apologize for saying this, but if you are as quoted, an "expert on intelligence and cyber-security issues" and you can't figure Reddit out without "an ace-techie in the form of your son", I am really going to question your expertise on cyber issues.

As a tech guy, if someone told me they were even remotely technical and/or had expertise in cyber security and they didn't know Reddit I would laugh at them.

Edit: For those of you downvoting, here's some more on why he is misleading on his expertise

From the Economist Biography of him:

Edward Lucas is a senior editor responsible for coverage of energy, commodities and natural resources. He also writes obituaries, book reviews and leaders.

No mention of intel or cyber-security, hmmm

2009 Economist article, unrelated to intel/cyber http://www.economist.com/news/21566293-churches-both-catholic-and-anglican-will-lose-ground-secularists-predicts-edward

2011 Economist article: Regarding polish politics, again no cyber/intel http://www.economist.com/blogs/easternapproaches/2011/03/polands_foreign_policy

2011 Economist article: Various politics of Belarus. No cyber/intel http://www.economist.com/blogs/easternapproaches/2011/08/lithuania-and-belarus

2013 Economist article: Very escoteric op ed on politics in EU and former soviet bloc nations, again no cyber/intel http://www.economist.com/blogs/easternapproaches/2013/07/eastern-partnership

Hmm this one is more interesting: http://www.economist.com/debate/days/view/1000

He is somehow involved in an online Economist "debate" on risk of cyber warfare ... which he did not participate in but "announced the winner", his bio when mouse-overed, shows he is "working on a book of the politics of cyber security". The Politics, not actual cyber-security.

Non economist: 2009 article on Cyber-security, oh wait, nope its just the politics of it, not actual cyber-security http://edwardlucas.blogspot.com/2009/04/eu-cybersecurity-europe-view-no-130.html

I could go with more. He is no "expert" in intel or cyber-security. He merely reports on some aspects of the politics of these items.... and frankly he does it poorly.

Feel free to keep looking at articles by him and you will find nothing that indicates he has "expertise" in the areas he has stated. Fuck this AMA, Seriously,this guy is a Senior Editor at The Economist and completely misrepresented his abilities AND removed his thread

/u/flyryan - Please let the reddit community know what happened here, all AMAs require proof. This guy was full of shit. I'm not even addressing his views, only his credentials he indicated.

Shame on The Economist

edit 2: This guy has a fucking wikipedia page that says nothing about intel/cyber http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Lucas_(journalist)

The only place where anything is indicated about his expertise on intel or cyber-security is his own personal CV on his own website http://www.edwardlucas.com/about/

Again, fuck this guy.

CharlieKillsRats15 karma

I have a question about your settlement. How much did your family actually receive at the end of the day, after fees, taxes, etc. ? And do you feel its "enough" ? Not whether it was the right amount or appropriate for what occurred, but enough to meet your families needs as a result of the incident. I really hope so.

CharlieKillsRats13 karma

Hi, there seems to be tons of discussions about new states gaining nukes such as Iran, but there is one that is not frequently brought up: Saudi Arabia.

Rumors indicate they may have acquired or bought several Pakistani nukes in the past, and this is certainly a possibility. Also, they certainly could overtly or covertly build nuclear weapons--and they have the means to deliver then via US-built planes and trained pilots.

First, do you believe there is any truth to the rumors, and second, why do we not hear anything about the Saudis being a possible future or current nuclear state? It's like the whole world averts it's eyes from the realistic possibility that a rich religious theocracy may make or acquire these weapons.

CharlieKillsRats4 karma

That links isn't giving me the article, paywall blocked.

Anyways, I'm attacking his credibility, not his views, a claim to be an "expert" is an enormous claim. I was hoping a person with a significant expertise, background, and credibility could actually start a good debate on the issue, and with his expertise Reddit would be forced to take into account the other side rather than it being a fucking circlejerk all over Snowden hero bullshit stuff.

I attacked him personally because he made misleading claims. I would have done it to any AMA, this was just a controversial one, I actually didn't even care about that while writing much of my responses. I saw BS claims, and I called the douchebag out on them, nothing more or less.