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Charlieoso4 karma

Wow we are scar buddies! I was also born with a clubbed foot, my left foot is a UK size 6 and my right is a UK size 3. It's so difficult buying shoes! My brother was born with both feet clubbed and he is in serious pain now as he was treated with plaster cast whereas I had quite a few surgeries to correct this when I was young so I'm not so bad. This is really interesting, do you know if it's something they do in the UK too? I worry I would be too late to do this as I'm 29.

Good luck with it all and thanks for doing an AMA!

Charlieoso3 karma

I assume there is in my family. My dad had both feet clubbed too but less severe than mine or my brothers.

My brother is seven years older than me so I think there must have been some medical advances. Also, I had surgery (mid 80's) as mine was so severe and my tendons were so short, whereas his was only treated with plaster cast and boots (late 70's). I have a lot of scars and half a calf muscle but I'm in no where near as much pain as him.

I do feel guilty sometimes but he's never let him hold it back so not too much. He's travelled extensively, has a great paying job and a extremely active social life. I don't think he looks after his feet as much as he should have , he used to wear flip flops a lot which probably buggered up his feet a bit more.

I imagine he will probably have his feet fused at some point as the OP has had, I'm hoping not as it sounds awful but if it helps.... I guess it could be a good option.

It's funny, I never used to know anyone apart from my family with clubbed feet and now I work with two people who have children with it too. I wonder if it's getting more common?

Charlieoso2 karma

Ha I also have vitiligo so I would have definitely been screwed! I was in Morroco a couple of years ago and saw a young girl with a severely clubbed foot being used by her parents for begging so you don't have to look too far. It was very sad and I'm so lucky to have been born where I have been and at the right time.

Charlieoso2 karma

Ah so there must be a genetic link then. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to see a twin be fairly mobile in comparison. I don't think my brother resents me either as I just had surgery on both knees last week, completely unrelated though. Just bad luck and one of those things you have to deal with to get better. I hope this works for you and that it's not too painful. Very interesting topic, thanks for doing this AMA. You sound like you have a great attitude towards it, my very very best wishes to you.

Charlieoso2 karma

Thanks so much :) I was pretty shocked to see this AMA come up, I have been chatting about it to my boyfriend all afternoon. I will catch up with my brother soon and let him know about this. I'll see if I can find any info about exactly which methods were used on me and my brother. I don't know the exact names, I was so young when it was all happening that I kinda blocked it out.