Highest Rated Comments

ChiefBanginOfficer30 karma

awwww sorry to hear that! we're working on more ways to make sure you can invite your friends without them knowing it was you.

right now, you can use our anonymous email invites from the site once you log in: downapp.com/fuck and click the Share the Love link in the upper right.

ChiefBanginOfficer30 karma

thanks for your support!

our female users have told us that they love how they are now an equal part of the process: they don't get bombarded with messages since you can only talk once there is a match. it's also safer since you know that the other person is real and connected to you.

we want to bring honesty and a more liberated approach to dating without sacrificing what women are asking for: safety, privacy, authenticity. liberated, empowered women use DOWN to rely less on the bullshit of clubs, bars, and traditional dating sites. women are more comfortable saying they are looking to get down or get dates, whatever they fancy at the time, instead of pretending that they do not desire sex like men do or risking shaming.

ChiefBanginOfficer28 karma

Oh hell yes!

a few come to mind: my dad is a conservative guy and i definitely hesitated to tell him. after the app took off and news spread everywhere, i knew that the time had come and it was better to tell him than to have him find out from someone else. it was the longest pause i've ever had on the phone when i called and told him the name of my new venture. i thought he may disown me or be completely against it, but he actually saw the reasoning behind switching to BWF from my other startup and continues to proudly support me!

i also pitched to tons of investors - from big VC firms to Y Combinator to a lot of angel investors. Pitching at YC was definitely awkward given that i knew some of the partners were so totally against the idea of such a straight-forward, sex-positive, and unabashed company. the looks i got still give me the heebie-jeebies to this day. needless to say, we didn't join YC.

ChiefBanginOfficer21 karma

i just learned about Double0KneeGro from this AMA and i just wanted to let you know you're a fucking genius and friend of DOWN!

ChiefBanginOfficer20 karma

Every. Damn. Day.

can't stop, won't stop.