Highest Rated Comments

ChilePrepper4 karma

There are many people that disagree with your 'Honey on Tap' marketing to newbees that know absolutely nothing about properly tending bees. Do you feel too many new beekeepers will be buying your FlowHive without knowing, learning, or caring how to properly manage the bees, thus setting themselves up for failure? Or worse, creating situations where they do not manage pests/diseases and inadvertently spread problems to other beekeepers' hives?

ChilePrepper3 karma

Regular hive inspections absolutely need to be performed to check on the health of your hive, add/remove boxes, and to ensure your queen is alive and well. These frames only ease the portion of beekeeping where we pull frames and extract honey. Everyone purchasing these still needs to learn proper beekeeping practices.

ChilePrepper1 karma

The cells aren't sealed completely anyway, until the bees fill in the gaps prior to putting uncured honey in. This is clear in the videos/photos they provide.

ChilePrepper0 karma

Your campaign did really well and exceeded what I believe to be everyone's expectations. How/where did you promote and market your product and crowdfunding?

ChilePrepper0 karma

Stu, Cedar & Team: Are the early bird orders still set for June delivery? Any chance production has ramped up sooner/stronger than anticipated for an even earlier delivery?