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Chythar14 karma

Were you the guys filming at a brony event at the Santa Monica Pier a while back? Also, hi to Ashleigh from "the guy with the cool car" (black 1994 Mustang Cobra).

Chythar12 karma

I'll answer this from a fan's perspective. I "discovered" Hey Ocean through MLP, then became a fan of Hey Ocean. I go to their shows for the music, though it doesn't hurt that Ashleigh's singing voice has this twang that reminds me of Applejack. :)

When on stage, Ashleigh doesn't mention a thing about MLP and the brony community - it's Hey Ocean time then. However, she won't ignore us - one guy at one of the LA shows brought his chibi plushes of AJ and Dash. During one song, Ashleigh walked out into the audience, and when she saw the plushes she nuzzled them both and kept right on singing. She also hangs out after the show so the bronies can say hi.

Chythar10 karma

I'm sure we said hello at least, though I wouldn't expect you to remember me. I do remember talking on camera about the brony community breaking the traditional male roles in society. It's ok for women to like sports and Batman, and no one thinks they're less feminine. But guys like MLP? Take away their "man card". I forget exactly what I said, but that's the gist of it.

Chythar6 karma

Unless you have actual damage to your lungs, the actual cause for this is likely your heart. Like the rest of your body, it's probably weak from your ordeal in the hospital. Fortunately, like any muscle it will improve with exercise. You may want to take up some light jogging or spend some regular time on a bicycle, it should help.

As for your digestive issues, barring any other damage you'd probably benefit from taking some probiotics. Antibiotics will kill the good bacteria in your digestive tract, the ones that help you digest your food. Probiotics like yogurt can help you replace that good bacteria, and may help your digestive issues get better.

Good luck!

Chythar6 karma

Not sure if anyone ever explained this to you. That line is from a fan animation called APPLE.MOV, which I would describe as Ren & Stimpy meets MLP. There are other MOV movies in the series, but they get very twisted and demented as they go along. Though I will say this: Rainbow Dash does save the day in the end.