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Classicdadjokes13 karma

Not to rain on your parade,but...Do you agree with the tenure system? Debates have been made that it fails to challenge teachers and keeps them employed regardless of wether they actually do a good job or not. As someone who's worked in education,I've felt it's an outdated system and that more qualified teachers remain unemployed/underemployed because of it.

Classicdadjokes5 karma

I can totally understand from the research standpoint. There's a lot that can get in the way and threaten that progress, and as mentioned,projects can take a long time and it's critical to not have to worry about your job&work being threatened. I think it's less critical for teachers to have. There's less at stake and for some it's a perk that let's them underperorm. It definitely has a place,it just seems like or teachers it should be scrutinized more.

Classicdadjokes5 karma

Thanks for an awesome AMA! Very pertinent to what's going on in the world today and the threat anti vaxxers pose. May I ask what your education/work background is? You're very well spoken and knowledgable on the topic,is it simply from living with polio?

Classicdadjokes3 karma

Well said. There's definitely two sides to it,both with their own ills. I came from a catholic school background where tenured teachers pretty much set us back on some subject by years if not decades. I see now my confusion in specific types of tenure. Sorry about that. Thanks for the insightful response!

Classicdadjokes1 karma

My grandfather was part of a b17 crew that was shot down over Poland-my biggest regret is never getting to hear his stories. Thank you for your service and the opportunity to hear your stories.

Did you have a good amount of flight experience with other ww2 aircraft? Any favorites?