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Clayab1015 karma

years ago there were rumors flying around about Sarah Michelle Gellar starring in a big screen version of Alice. Was there any truth to the rumblings? Also, any future plans for an Alice movie?

Clayab1015 karma

Hey Jess & Lisa. I don't really have a question, but more of a statement. I love you both SO much and want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for making the music you make. I am such a huge fan and have been totally inspired by you girls in so many way. I'm beyond excited for the new record, and I'm so proud of how far you've both come in this industry. Please never stop.

Love, Clay (Edmonton, Canada.)

Clayab1011 karma

In your opinion, is it too late to do a Buffy reunion? and if one was to come about, would you partake?

Do you keep in touch with anyone from the rest of the cast? You guys ever discuss such a scenario? It would literally be my dream come true hahaha.