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Cooper44143 karma

Every single day! The difference between someone passing the course and failing is getting over that doubt on a daily basis and rising the challenge.

Cooper44137 karma

They were actually filming that whilst I was there, I've met some of the training team staff and some of them trained us as well.

Because we went to Lympstone as trained soldiers already we get treated with a bit more respect than the recruits going through Royal Marine training.

If I were to compare it to my basic training in the Army I would say its representative in some ways such as the whole locker inspections and how I was generally treated however I can guarantee they will be missing a lot of what actually happens. I would take it with a pinch of salt, it's a good little insight but nothing more.

I've noticed the program focus more on individuals stories and how recruits feel during training and not necessarily what they're actually doing.

Cooper44137 karma

An Army Commando is part of the regular Armed Forces and fights in a conventional role, all be it a specialized one. For example my role is artillery and we support the Royal Marines.

SAS on the other hand are part of Special Forces, which does not come under the Armed Forces. They have an incredibly elite and unique role which is governed separately.

UKSF do tend to recruit from specialist units within the regular Armed Forces such as Commando trained units and Airborne units.

Cooper44137 karma

I was sick of 9-5 job I was doing and I've always had an itch to join. Joining the military has allowed me do things and learns things that I simply would never get the opportunity to do on civi street. It's allowed me to grow as a person and have a unique life that I don't think I could get in any other career.

Cooper44130 karma

Hopefully a lot better now!