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CrackDaddyWG39 karma

And as for services when aging out, anyone who ages out of care gets a check of about $1200 every month till they are 22 called the Road to Independence check (RTI) to help us get on our feet, but one has to go to school full time to get this check. The system also gives us free college for our first two degrees.

CrackDaddyWG29 karma

Thank you so much. How did your aging out go?

CrackDaddyWG26 karma

Well at first it would really mess with, I would lay awake late at night wondering why I couldn't be with the ones i loved? Eventually I would think that I was just alone in the world and no one really cared and that to them watching over me was just a job. These thoughts put me in a deep depression for a while, until I came to the realization that the other kids i lived with were my family in a way. We all went through the same pain some worst then others, we would fight and yell at each other but at the end of the day we all knew that we were in the same situation and that we were the only people who understood and this brought us together as a family. So in a way I was never really out of family I just wasn't aware of the one that was forming around me.

CrackDaddyWG23 karma

Hey man give your friend a firm handshake fron me next time you see him and I would actually like to talk to his father about his experience and what helped him pull through. Is there anyway you can relay that to him?

CrackDaddyWG23 karma

Wow..... thank you! Kinda freaks me out a little more but inspires me at the same time! What really gets me is a statistic that says only 5% of foster children make it to get their bachelors degree.