Highest Rated Comments

CrunchBang21 karma

Did being a prisoner for that period change how you felt with political and religious views etcetera?

CrunchBang3 karma

If those are things you've designed, I'm guessing you have a good portfolio of work to show off and get you a new job or maybe you could freelance.

CrunchBang2 karma

What was your job before the accident? Will you be able to go back to it or will you need to consider a different career?

CrunchBang2 karma

It's things like this that prove that the USA is not the land of the free. Good to see you beat the system and your addictions, keep on helping people. :)

CrunchBang1 karma

Does it have any impact on how much and how often you urinate? Have you considered getting a SheWee or similar device?