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Cstix38 karma

I've been out of the service for 10 years, and have yet to use my GI Bill. I have friends and fellow vets that have nightmare stories about not just the hassle of getting it set up, but being on the hook for payments and money due to payments not being made on time (payments from the government to the schools). I'm not going to say its the sole reason i have not use this benefit I've earned, but its a big enough reason in itself.

Have you seen any instances of these issue's effecting vets financially?

Cstix10 karma

Well i'll be honest, i feel a bit better about my decision not to use my GI Bill yet. I'm in my mid 30's working full time with 2 kids and a wife. I couldn't afford that kind of hassle and frankly i have people counting on me and after reading your article it would almost seem foolish and borderline mean to put my family at such financial risk.

I agree that is is a VERY generous benefit, but it is also something that you sign up for, AND pay into. I had always hoped that the horror stories from friends where exaggerated. I believed them, but i always thought maybe there is something they are leaving out.

Cstix2 karma

Hi Tom, just wanted to ask how life is treating you?

Cstix2 karma

It's less about the money owed to the college for me (although that is part of it, i know people have been on the hook for that money). I have a mortgage to pay and a family to take care of. My mortgage company doesn't care that VA didn't send me my check. They care that i didn't send them a check.

Cstix2 karma

If anything, I certainly need to make some phone calls and do some research. I am at the crunch time of my GI-Bill benefits. It seems there are some state benefits that i also receive but i need to look into the extent of those a bit more. Thanks for all the info though. I do appreciate it.