Highest Rated Comments

CubedRoot24 karma

Why did you stop accepting bitcoins? Do you think you will ever reconsider? I will donate to you once you begin accepting them.

CubedRoot22 karma

There are many, many pilots in the General Aviation field that would have flown the drug for you. Heck they would have even let you personally sit in the co-pilot seat of their personal GA airplane and donated the ride for free. They would have also meet you at the nearest airstrip (municiple, private, you name it) at any hour of the night and flown you and the drug to any airport near the hospital.

Please, check into things called "Life Flights". Also, just ring up the local airport and ask if they know of any pilots willing to make the flight for you. I would gamble that if you had told them it was a 10 year old girl needing the drug to saver her life, you'd have had dozens of volunteers firing up their Cessna's, Pipers or Mooneys to fly you within minutes.

Such a sad loss because no one attempted to involve the General Aviation communities in their neighborhoods. We love flying, and helping people.

I don't know if you will read this, but please look into something like this. Such a sad tale because you couldn't find a commercial flight, when so many other flying options were available :(

CubedRoot10 karma

Fucking Sharon.

CubedRoot10 karma

Totally depends on their contract. Not all contracts have penalties for default. Its very possible Ouya has a clause stating no promised deadlines for retail with their retailers.

CubedRoot3 karma

This guy speaks the truth. Some of the stuff he said is stuff I have dealt with in IT, and its one of the reasons I went back to school to earn my MBA. Sure, a Masters in Buisinessmay not be suitable in IT, but the benefit is that I am not limited to staying in IT, and can use the degree elsewhere when the industry fizzles.

As he said, Masters are the new Bachelors. Here is what I seen in my area:

Dalton GA, was hit hard by the recession and carpet companies were laying people off like crazy. In order to keep their unemployment benefits paying, these people decided to go back to school. All the local colleges had record enrollments during the 2007-2009 years, from people flooding in just to keep their unemployment.

The schools loved this... as it got them tons of funding. So, they were under pressure to keep these "students" enrolled regardless of how poorly they were doing in school.

Fast forward 4 years later and you have a metric shit ton of 4 year degree holding people leaving school with their Bachelors, whom are complete idiots. Those people are entering the workforce with their 4 year degrees, and rutting out people that have no degrees or just an Associates. Likewise, it makes people who already had a Bachelors less valuable.

The only way to differentiate yourself from them is to earn your Masters.

EDIT: several of them due to typing this from my phone, and it hates me and my fat fingers.