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Dan361227 karma

How did it happen?

Dan36122 karma

I appreciate the response. My grandmother started dialysis about 3 years ago, and ever since then she's been extremely depressed. She's been having trouble walking, and my grandfather even purchased a small puppy as a futile attempt to cheer up. I wish you the best man, you don't deserve it, you're a nice guy. I hope you get a kidney, best of luck to you!

Dan36122 karma

Next nearest one to her is 40 something miles away, but she's had health problems for years. She's been out of work because of various illnesses/diseases for 25 years, and she's proof that despite her negative attitude, it's possible to still live a normal life.

Dan36122 karma

Do you have any advice for current dialysis patients on how to stay positive?

Dan36122 karma

You can't possibly think it's your fault. Bad things happen to good people, and while physically it might weaken you, it just makes you that much mentally stronger.