Highest Rated Comments

Dananddog1 karma

Awesome that you guys are here. I can't wait for the coming season!

I'm curious at what point the writers consider the turning point for Walt? I was having this discussion with a friend, and he was thinking it came around the time of the "I'm the one who knocks" speech. I, However, think it was around the time of the fugue state.

I'm also very curious if the rumors of a Saul Goodman spinoff are true?

Finally, I would like to compliment the writing of the last episode that has aired. when Hank read the note in the book of poetry, despite knowing it was coming, I actually yelled "Oh my f***ing god" loud enough to wake up my roommate.


Dananddog1 karma

Glad I stumbled upon this.

Being at MIT, have you done anything with the lattice assisted nuclear reactions taking place there? (NANOR) If so, do you have any comments or opinions on the possibility of it powering our future?

Also, do you know of anywhere a person can get a physics or chemistry degree online (accredited)? I've been looking for awhile, but the closest I can come is MIT's free courses, and online engineering degrees. I'm in the wonderful, yet unfortunate position of being gainfully employed in exciting research, yet, without being able to get a degree, I'm likely at the top of my ladder. decisions, decisions.


Dananddog-4 karma

Cool, thank you. Is there a rule of thumb for the ratios of height of chimney to the distance I'm drawing the exhaust down to go underfloor?

Dananddog-13 karma

Hey Paul, just heard you on Jack's podcast and it got me thinking about building a RMH in my next house.

I have a few questions for you, first- one of my favorite parts of having a wood stove as a kid was the ambiance, have you ever built a RMH with a stove window for the light to go into the room?

I'm also wondering if you've ever played with putting the mass below floor level to let the heat rise naturally to the floor? I'm sure there's a limit to the thermal siphon, but not sure where that lies.

Also, I saw in one of your videos that you were playing with one of these and had an external air intake on it that you didn't like and took off, I'm curious why it didn't work out?
