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DeepSixSeries100 karma

Foundation. No wait, Foundation and Empire... nah, it's gotta be Second Foundation. Or maybe it's Foundations Edge. Or Prelude to Foundation.

The real question is, when is somebody going to throw $100 Billion on the complete Foundation Series as an epic TV series to end all epic TV series?

DeepSixSeries7 karma

Couple questions from the Producer here:

Jaymie! Can you tell us more about the MOST Satellite, aka Canada's "Humble" Telescope?

Rob! Can you tell us about a certain Perk that might be coming up and also any of those stories you told us on set?

You two are literally the coolest people in the world!

Davin! How did we get so lucky having these guys join our project?

DeepSixSeries7 karma

Great question... the answer is simple however. The green screen shooting that you saw was actually filming Miniatures, so that they could be composited and projected onto a screen using rear projection. So our actors won't be acting in front of a green screen, when they look out their space ship window they will be seeing and engaging with live images of space, planets and other ships.

When we say no green screen, what we mean is virtually no VFX, because all of the images are being projected live while we're filming. It's a bit inside baseball but that's the gist of it. We're going back to the techniques used by Kubrik, or in Star Wars, and Alien... old school, practical FX.

Davin and Sebastien, our production designer, are both extremely skilled VFX artists, but the aesthetic of this show is to be as real as possible and as true to the classic SciFi we all grew up with and loved. And the theory is, that things are far too computer generated these days, and we're losing a little something that used to be there in those old films by doing all the special effects with a green screen and a computer.

-- The Producer (But Davin / Rob / Jaymie might have more to say on this)

DeepSixSeries3 karma

Please do send a PM, we'll coordinate.

You can also email deepsixoutreach@gmail.com - thanks!

DeepSixSeries2 karma

Got an answer for you from our DOP, Dave Lam

"No motion control, we didn't require repeated moves. It was shot at 60fps to give us more smoothing options, and everything in space just feels like it's in slow motion anyway haha. Our shutter angle was at 180 degrees. Because this is used mostly for the projection, the scale of the model can be cropped to be zoomed in or further away to our desire, we shot it at 4K so there's lots of wiggle room for the projection (which is only 1080).

In terms of light, yes. The miniature SHOULD be pretty dark/black on one side, because of the single motivated light, but it's a movie, and we tried to retain some light on all sides for detail. It can always be crushed in post to complete darkness. We did use a single LED fresnel as our star, a bounce board to represent the planet below, and used some of the green screen lighting to backlight the model a bit."