Highest Rated Comments

DefiniteMethAddict149 karma

Now that you have a separated breastbone, what happens when you need to poop? If its a struggle, can that kind of motion pop things open again?

DefiniteMethAddict33 karma

Shit man!


Well, get well soon from up north!

DefiniteMethAddict6 karma

If you had an opportunity to spend your morning doing school lessons, and your afternoon doing some work to fund them and take a small wage, what would your reaction be?

This is an idea I had many years ago. Many charities attempt to fund full time education for children in countries such as Ethiopia, however the education does not always last for long. A charity funded school is subject to the whims of those who give to the charity, however a school funded by work (either for or not for profit) is consistently reliable, assuming the product is suitable for demand

DefiniteMethAddict3 karma

Something else I thought of: What is the general opinion of the Western world in your community? Forgive me for being disrespectful, but I sometimes get the impression that Arabian culture looks down upon Western culture - this may be a warped viewpoint, I'm aware that I don't get to see the "average" Arabian person. Often, all I see is the richer culture.

Edit: Haway man, this is a 14 year old kid trying to answer some pretty fucking hard questions. There wasn't anything wrong with that answer, stop mashing the downvote button because you can't handle some of his responses.

DefiniteMethAddict2 karma

Why on earth do you always look so serious?