Highest Rated Comments

Demongornot4 karma

How is the scale ? you say is the scale for a solar system, but do it really mean that planet is thousand of Km large and distance between Earth and Moon in the game is really 300 000 Km ? Same for distance between sun and Earth, planets between them and finally solar system distance that are something like several Year light, impossible to do without highway and super highway cause it is really big like real ? Or this is just huge but not that huge as real one ? and if it is this, a little information about distance between 2 planet in Km ?

Demongornot3 karma

I'm sure the future plan is, for the next game to bring back multiple ship available for player, but do capital ship will still be able to be controlled ? Cause at this point you think it is boring, but a lot of player, including myself really like to controlling huge and slow ship ! By the way i'm perfectly ok with the single player ship concept for X Rebirth !

Demongornot3 karma

Will we have colorblind option or the possibility to change interface color ?

Demongornot3 karma

How much alive the NPC will be ? I mean give the feel ? Like reacting yo our captured Xenon (or any villain and hard to take) ship, our giant fleet, no more people that talk to us like we have a small ship regardless the fact that a fleet of several capital ship follow us. NPC that have emotion/personal line, related to the plot, or other free of plot of the sandbox mode ? A Little like Mass Effect ?

Demongornot1 karma

Do the player ship, the famous Skunk will have Turret and other surface element ? and if yes can we and how we control this turrets ? VR goggle, the big screen at our right, a turret station on our ship ?