Highest Rated Comments

Denault24 karma

oh god... lumosity...

Denault6 karma

  1. how much can one expect to make by going into this endeavor?

  2. how much time does each game take?

  3. where did you get that awesome music for crush the castle?

Denault2 karma

can you describe any specific symptoms you experienced? i read vomiting somewhere in your comments. what else is there?

Denault2 karma

Is chemo really that bad? I've heard horror stories of how painful it is and that some people would rather let cancer take its course than go through treatment...

Denault2 karma

what advantage exactly do multiple iterations give you? is it the learning you gain about how to make a successful hit? or is it more luck of the draw thing where you put out 5 games in the hopes that one of them gets noticed?