Highest Rated Comments

Dervinator31 karma

No, there's always something fishy about them.

Dervinator22 karma

It is perfectly legal. There are thousands of these shops all over the UK. My employer alone, one company out of several, has over 2,000 shops in the UK.

Dervinator20 karma

You see a few crazy customers for sure. One elderly man would always come in screaming "easy, easy!" and when told to keep it down by other customers he would bellow out "It's not me you wanna worry about, it's the bloody Germans!". We have a regular whose about 5ft tall and comes in the shop singing in a high pitched voice, and when told to calm down starts giving you abuse (for banter though).

The top incident however was we once had a gas leak in the shop and the power failed. Whilst we were trying to get our customers evacuated, some were still queing up demanding us to place their bets! Madness.

Dervinator17 karma

Hello fellow industry worker! You have it to a tee my friend, seen plenty of people lost thousands of pounds and clearly unable to cope. Sadest story of loss, a regular customer in a shop I used to work in had a gambling problem. It was obvious, and his wife came in at one point to yell at him furiously to no avail. I did nothing to my utmost regret, as he wasn't the sort of person to listen to others or acknowledge his problem. I moved shop and 6 months later I found out he had hung himself because he was in so much debt. He had 2 children. I still hate myself for not lifting a finger to help.

Dervinator14 karma

The most I have had is £100. This was a good day. Tips are rare though, as people need to win before they give you one!