Highest Rated Comments

DeusExChimera2760 karma

Do you miss North Korea despite what you endured? And, is there any misconception about North Korea that you would like to share?

DeusExChimera34 karma

Awesome job. How does one get into that type of work? What's your favourite animal to work with?

DeusExChimera5 karma

I'll wed your mom and you won't be allowed over for dinner unless you call me Dad, son.

DeusExChimera5 karma

What's the reason behind the London Ontario inside jokes? (That's where I live!)

DeusExChimera2 karma

Could this be a stretch? People who lie, cheat and steal to feed an addiction may not mean they exhibit this behaviour when sober, or in recovery. Drugs are a coping mechanism. A solution to a problem. I'm a firm believer the opposite to substance abuse is not sobriety, but connectivity, to others. This doesn't seem to be in line with psychopathic tendencies.