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DidItAll4TheWookiee39 karma

Mr. Sayles:

Are there particular obstacles to making certain films more widely available for digital download/purchase? I'd love to be able to buy Matewan, for instance, but there isn't a legal, digital copy available. Meanwhile, I've begun phasing out DVD in favor of Blu-ray and digital copies.

DidItAll4TheWookiee4 karma

...Wait, are you implicitly asking if Frank has got LESS crazy over the last few years?

...Oh, you!

DidItAll4TheWookiee3 karma

Mr. Sayles: I've really enjoyed some of your prose work, particularly "Union Dues" and your short story collection "Dillinger in Hollywood." What makes you decide when something is better for prose, rather than film, and would you ever consider letting somebody else direct an adaption of some of that type of work if they had the right pitch?

(As much as that "right pitch" bit might sound like it, I'm not a filmmaker with an idea, just a guy asking.)

DidItAll4TheWookiee0 karma

you DO NOT have the authority to state something like "sir/ma'am if you continue your abusive language I will have to disconnect this call" like any other call center.

GOOD. There is literally nothing more annoying than someone who drives you to rage and then pulls out that patronizing garbage and threatens to disconnect you and make you start all over again because you had the audacity to say "damn."

DidItAll4TheWookiee0 karma

How many people do you think haven't worked in that role or a similar one? Our entire country is a service economy. I've had to be a waiter, I've had to be phone tech support, I've had to work retail. To be a retail MANAGER, where all the bullshit bumps up against me from both corporate and the customer.

None of what you're saying is news.

Well, I mean, except for the whole tangent about how your old employer used to steal from customers and you never reported them. That's kind of out of the blue.

The reality is, there are a great many people who don't want to do their job and who will use "you slipped and used a naughty word" as an excuse to bail on a call and pretend it was abusive. There are a lot of people who are actually abusive, too, but if it isn't me doing it, I genuinely don't care about that. It sucks, but when you have a bad experience with a customer, you have to be able to hit the mental reset button before the next call or you're not cut out for that kind of work. Sorry.