Highest Rated Comments

Dilong-paradoxus85 karma

If you're worried about extra cost, the military spends five times as much on Viagra alone than the expected cost of transition care. Not trying to diminish ED, just putting the cost into perspective. Surgery isn't cheap, but HRT meds are relatively inexpensive because they're used for other things too.

Edit: changed five to ten. Ten mil is the total spent on drugs prescribed for ED.

Dilong-paradoxus6 karma

I'm not one of the AMA people but I might be able to help a bit!

Check out the maps here to get an idea of the arrival time and wave height at the location you're interested in. Not that there aren't maps out for Whidbey fault quakes yet, so if you're in the north part of the sound you might need to take that into account. Also the seattle fault maps have been posted but they're a little buried on the site IIRC.

Will I know whether I have 10 minutes or 4 hours?

Likely yes, because the time mostly depends on your location relative to the fault lines which don't change much. However, many locations are at risk from waves from multiple sources. For example, the seattle waterfront wouldn't get a wave for 1.5+ hrs from a Cascadia quake and it would be fairly easy to avoid, but a dangerously high (15-30ft+) Seattle fault quake wave could arrive in less than 3 minutes in some areas.

Do I hurry to an office building nearby, or do I keep driving/cycling till I get to a hill or cliff?

That kind of depends on your specific situation.

Dilong-paradoxus4 karma

That's the travel time. The download time and amount downloaded depends on how much data they send.

Dilong-paradoxus3 karma

I'm looking into doing something involving space (building rockets, working at NASA, etc.) as a job because space is awesome and I want to go there. Your diy spacecraft is amazingly inspiring! How did you get into doing this? What advice would you give to someone who wants to follow in your footsteps? Anyway, keep being awesome.

Dilong-paradoxus3 karma

It's crazy that you're getting downvoted for this. This thread is insane.