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DirtyWhoreMouth33 karma

I've wanted to for years. Thanks for the justification.

DirtyWhoreMouth31 karma

My husband has Schizo-Affective Disorder. It's controlled pretty well with medication. We've been together for almost ten years and I've seen him at his absolute best and worst. It's been a helluva roller coaster. I have two questions:

  1. What are the chances our child will have it? I wasn't supposed to be able to have children so we have a little miracle baby but I do often worry. She's still quite little and shows signs of an awesome personality but nothing bad (yet). She does have a bit of a temper and is quick to anger but I think (HOPE) that's part of her age and nothing more.

  2. Does it ever get better? He's on meds and he's an excellent father, but most of the time he has a big black cloud over his head. He's usually pissy, moody and mad at the world. He had a crappy childhood and he still blames all his problems on everyone else. His words are "Society made me this way so they have to deal with me. It's their fault I'm the way I am."

He doesn't really have friends because he can't trust anyone. He admits to not even trusting me (really?) or even his own mother. He never seemed to grow out of the brooding teenager part of his life. He's admitted he's not truly happy. I don't doubt his love for his daughter but I fear even she doesn't make him as happy as she should. I just hold on and hold on and hope that one day he won't be so mad at everyone. Please, be honest, does it get better, stay the same, or get worse? I fear the worst.

DirtyWhoreMouth31 karma

I must note that, in other highly publicized cases of abuse, many people have spoken out saying it wasn't a "big deal" when it clearly was. For example, when evidence was released of Chris Brown's beating of Rhianna, many of his fan girls cried, "Oh my god, get over it" and they still worship him. Common sense says what he did was wrong, but people will still turn their backs on anyone who thinks otherwise. It doesn't make it alright.

DirtyWhoreMouth30 karma

I find it disgusting. My boss cuts sooo many corners because it keeps his bonus high. This is a corporate popular chain too. I'm so embarrased sometimes.

DirtyWhoreMouth30 karma

Is it legal for a restaurant to operate with massive amounts of black mold? I work in a restaurant where we have it behind the bar, inside our soda machines, under server stations and under our tablecloths.