Highest Rated Comments

DishonoredSinceBirth70 karma

How awesome was it in between the walls?!

DishonoredSinceBirth46 karma

Well, now I'm afraid to ever post anything on Reddit ever again :X

DishonoredSinceBirth2 karma

How would you describe your album in comparison to your past work? Big fan of the Licht family here :)

DishonoredSinceBirth1 karma

I just created a 1000-song OutRun playlist, which you guys pop up in pretty frequently (besides the other obvious artists of course), so I just want to say thank you for the awesome tunes, and if I have to ask a question... how long did it take you guys to get "on track" to the kind of stuff you produce now? Did you have a different sound before your first releases?

DishonoredSinceBirth1 karma

Any cool stories from the Dexter set? A lot of people hate on season 6 but I enjoyed some of the cool symbolism and crazy events.