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DocMcNinja490 karma

Do the progress bars in Windows really work, or do they just semi-randomly fill up to give the user an impression that something is happening?

DocMcNinja5 karma

They want to start selling privileged internet fast lanes to big websites.

I've gotten the impression that using language like "fast lanes" is what opponents of net neutrality do. Do you disagree?

The thurst of the argument is that by getting people on board to say ISPs want "fast lanes" - as opposed to something else like "throttling" - already paints the issue in ISPs favor in the mind of the audience. "Fast lane" makes it sound like "if you pay more, you get more", which to many laymen doesn't sound too evil. Seems fair.

It might seem ridiculous, but it could be important if the whole issue hinges on popular support and getting the general populae to see the issue from a certain point of view. Do you think points like the exact language used when talking to the the audience listening to the debate matters, or is it just nitpicking?

DocMcNinja4 karma

Woah, ten years already? That game is still in my "Gotta play this some day" list, has been since it came out. I didn't even realise it's been that long already...