Highest Rated Comments

Don_Machetazo11 karma

I've got to agree with the AP use of the term marijuana over cannabis. "Cannabis" is rarely used outside of 'pot snob' circles, and AP terms should reflect common usage, not niche usage.

Don_Machetazo6 karma

Is there anything that can be done to speed up the pace of RTD's expansion? Traffic is terrible and we need more light rail, especially a line from Denver to Boulder.

Don_Machetazo6 karma

Transsexuals are people and therefore can be offended. Marijuana plants do not have the capacity to be offended, and marijuana is nowhere as offensive of a term (or even offensive at all, I would argue) as tranny, dickgirl, or she male.

But have fun with your hyperbolic, illogical comparisons.

Don_Machetazo5 karma

Interesting. I'm surprised that you don't 'sample the goods' so to speak to offer critiques and such. That leads me to conclude that your job is more focused on covering the legal issues surrounding the legalization process rather than reviewing stores/products/etc. Is that accurate?

Don_Machetazo4 karma

Definitely true. Just ask Michael Phelps.