Highest Rated Comments

DonaldPShimoda163 karma

As a guy its hard to admit this but, I cried.

I just want to tell you: you never need to feel ashamed of your emotions. Own them. Men can cry, and we don't need any special excuse to make it acceptable. To hell with anyone who tells you otherwise.

seeing the leaves on trees 500 feet away was absolutely breathtaking

It's funny, but this is usually the thing people bring up when talking about getting glasses. I remember it like it was yesterday, even though it was really... geez, must be almost twenty years ago now haha.

I wore glasses for six years, and then switch to contacts. My prescription is bad enough (-7.0ish) that changing to contacts was pretty significant because the refraction that glasses produce makes everything look much smaller than it really is. Suddenly I could see and everything was real-size. I remember that day vividly, too.

DonaldPShimoda83 karma

BSG which I have never watched

I'm just gonna state the obvious here: you should do yourself a favor and watch it.

DonaldPShimoda30 karma

But if you subscribe to AMA then they are already on your frontapage.

If you subscribe to more than just a handful of subreddits, you'd never see the less popular AMA topics on your front page — which is disappointing if those are the topics that you care more about.

Separating topics into separate subs allows (a) better front page maintenance ("I only care about AMA topics X, Y, and Z") and (b) easier targeted filtering later (you can go to a topic-specific sub instead of /r/IAmA).

An additional benefit is if you use multireddits (which I do), you can add topic-specific AMAs to appropriate multis. Then not all the AMAs are in a single spot, but rather more where you want them.

Don't get me wrong, I think if we could subscribe to flairs within a subreddit it would be a better solution overall. But, as it is, I think this addresses a valid need and I will likely make use of the topic-specific AMA subs.

DonaldPShimoda19 karma

unfortunately my eyes dont open wide enough to get them in or out

My mom literally forced my eyelids open enough to change the contacts for the first year hahaha. I'm not proud of it... but now I can get them in and out with more ease than anyone else I know! (I don't know why, but my eyelids just really really really didn't want to let contacts in at first. Bodies are weird.)

But each person's experience is their own. If it makes you uncomfortable then of course don't force it.

I've thought of laser eye surgery too, but there are just enough negative stories that I'm wary haha. We'll see if I eventually get over it and go for it. I wish you the best of luck, though!

DonaldPShimoda8 karma

Not seeing lower upvoted content is how the website is fundementally designed.

Yes but this relies on all posts to a sub having related topics, essentially. The idea is "among all posts on X, this post is worth your time."

But when X is "informal interviews with interesting people", that breaks down somewhat. If you're really interested in AMAs from, say all military personnel, unless one of them is unusually popular you'll just never see it because it'll be drowned out by what is popular, eg, actors and high-profile artists. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that /r/IAmA is a default sub, so in general the only highly upvoted posts are those that reflect the common public's interest.

I think /r/IAmA is pretty unique in this aspect — your points would make more sense to me in practically any other context.